NBA Issues 113-Page Handbook To Teams For Season Restart

The NBA season is set to restart on July 30 at the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex in Disney World. To avoid potential hazards, the NBA issued an extensive, 113-page handbook of health protocols to team personnel on Tuesday.

The handbook, obtained by the New York Times, prohibits a long list of activities, including: playing doubles in table tennis, using caddies on the golf course and sharing snorkels.

An anonymous tip hotline will be set up to report violations. Breaking protocol can result in a warning, fine, suspension or even dismissal from campus.

Here are some of the highlights (via the NY Times):

  • No postgame showers until players are back at hotel room
  • Players who leave campus without permission will be quarantined for at least 10 days upon re-entry.
  • Players prohibited from spending time together in hotel rooms
  • No sharing towels, clothing or deodorant
  • Players urged to stop fiddling with mouth guards
  • Players urged to reduce high-fives, fist bumps and hugs
  • Players must throw away decks of cards after game ends
  • No caddies on the golf course
  • No sharing goggles or snorkels
  • Teams advancing to the conference semifinals can reserve up to 17 additional hotel rooms for invited guests, who must quarantine before and after arrival.

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