Craig Ehlo 'Shocked' By Ron Harper's Comments About Guarding Michael Jordan Before 'The Shot'

Craig Ehlo said he had no recollection of Ron Harper\'s desire to cover Michael Jordan during the final seconds of the Cleveland Cavaliers loss to the Chicago Bulls in Game 5 of their first round series in the 1989 playoffs.

Ehlo said he was \"shocked\" when he heard the comments from his ex-teammate during Sunday\'s episode 3 of \"The Last Dance\" documentary when it flash backed to \'The Shot\'.

“I never said I was a Jordan stopper like Gerald Wilkins or anything,” Ehlo said during an extensive call with this week. “But back then Harp and me were on the court at the same time and he was our big offensive threat. So, when I came in it was a no-brainer that I would guard Jordan so Harp could rest on defense and play on offense.

“Harp had never really talked about defense or guarding people. He wasn’t a bad defender, I will give him that much, but I think those years with the Bulls where he got those championships, he was definitely third or fourth fiddle, so all of a sudden he becomes this lockdown defender, apparently. I don’t really remember him during our time wanting to play defense that much. He kind of shocked me with those comments, saying he wanted to guard Michael.”

Harper explained his side of the story during the documentary.

“We’re up by one and I said, ‘Coach I got MJ,’\" Harper explained. “Coach tells me, ‘I’m going to put Ehlo on MJ.’ And I’m like, ‘Yeah, OK, whatever. F--- this bulls---.’”

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