Paul George Says Shoulder Is Fully Healed, Is 'Feeling Back To Myself Again'

Paul George said that the time off from the season allowed his shoulder to completely heal, adding that he feels \"great again.\"

\"Really, I had some insecurities to start the season off. I had insecurities throughout the season just because I wasn\'t all the way 100 [percent]. Shoulder didn\'t feel back to 100.

\"Everything was kind of waiting and hoping, believing in the doctors that everything they were telling me was going to come into this moment now where I feel great, no shoulder issues ... Now I feel great again ... feeling back to myself again,\" said George.

George also added that the return of NBA games were an opportunity to continue to highlight important social issues across the country. 

\"I think ultimately as young African Americans we have an unbelievable opportunity to use our voices. I don\'t necessarily think it\'s taking away by starting the league. I don\'t think it\'s taking away of what\'s the important issues in our world. We can still address those more so than we\'ve done before with our platforms.\"

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