John Wall On Returning From Injury: 'I'm Gonna Be Better Than What I Was Before'

John Wall said he looked forward to returning to the court and that the best of his career was yet to come.

\"I\'m watching these guys play. Like these young guys, they killing our team and they looking at our bench and stuff. Just know I got those written down in my notes for when I come back when they start next season. I can\'t wait to see them what I got, what I\'m about. But I\'m gonna be better than what I was before, and that\'s the scary part. ... They ain\'t even get the best of John Wall yet, they just got a clip of him,\" said Wall on the All the Smoke podcast.

Wall ruptured his Achilles in December of 2018.

Wall also addressed rumors of tension between him and Bradley Beal, saying that they bring the best out of one another.

\"They always say, \'Well, they don\'t like each other. They downgrading each other.\' Ain\'t no John Wall without Bradley Beal. Ain\'t no Bradley Beal without John Wall. We make each other better. We accommodate each other so well on the court and it works easy for us.\"

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