Alvin Gentry To Discuss Potential Minutes Restrictions With Zion Williamson If Season Returns

Alvin Gentry said that he will talk to Zion Williamson about potentially restricting his minutes should the league resume this season.

Gentry added that Williamson was off his minutes restriction when the season was suspended.

“We’ll have those conversations. Obviously, his health will be the number one priority, but the restriction was really off after his first 5-6 games. So, he was playing the minutes that he would normally play, considering with any situation really. But, it will be something that we talk about when we do resume and as far as how it looks for Zion from a minute standpoint, and we’ll do that really with some of the other players,\" said Gentry in a press conference.

Gentry rated Williamson\'s season as a \"pleasant surprise,\" adding that he\'s never seen a player with a quicker second jump that the rookie.

\"I still think that in all the years that I’ve been in the league, I’ve never seen anyone that has a second jump like this kid. It’s amazing how he can hit the ground and be back up before anyone is really reacting to the first move that he had. I would say that’s been a pleasant surprise in those areas right there. I think what we found out is that he’s an excellent passer, also. I think as he gets more comfortable handling a basketball, that’s going to be an area that everyone sees that he can be an elite guy from the position that he’s playing right there.\" 

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