Jerry West: Lakers-Clippers Conference Finals Would Draw 'Record Numbers On TNT'

Jerry West spoke of his desire to see a potential Western Conference Finals matchup between the Los Angeles Lakers and Los Angeles Clippers, adding that it would draw record viewership.

West is currently a consultant for the Clippers.

“We were ascending, and now, when are we going to get back? When are we going to get back? And then the Lakers across town — this would have been an incredible thing for basketball. If someway, somehow, these two teams could have played in a Western Conference Final.

\"I think you would have seen record numbers on TNT, I think the viewership would have been obviously biased to the Lakers — which is great! It’s just horrible to sit here and not have something to root for, or me anticipating to see Milwaukee in the East or the other good teams over there,\" West told Ernie Johnson on NBA TV.

The Clippers won two out of three regular season games against the Lakers. 

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