James Dolan Condemns, Rejects 'Racism Against Anyone, Period' In Second Email

James Dolan sent out a second email clarifying his lack of response regarding the death of George Floyd.

Knicks players and employees were reportedly \"furious\" over a lack of a public statement from Dolan. Dolan sent out an email on Monday discussing why the organization stayed silent over the weekend.

Dolan sent out a second email on Tuesday further clarifying his position, saying that the Knicks \"vehemently condemn and reject racism against anyone, period.\" 

Dolan\'s email is below:

Yesterday, I made a sincere attempt to provide my perspective on a very difficult issue, one that has no easy answers. I know how important this topic is to so many, and I do not want there to be any confusion about where I as an individual, or we as a company stand. So let me be clear: we vehemently condemn and reject racism against anyone, period. It is against every value that we hold dear.

My point yesterday was about actions, and the importance of living your values. At Madison Square Garden, we have worked hard to build an environment of inclusion and mutual respect and those are the values that we try to live every day. Racism is born of ignorance and it\'s up to each of us to understand that the person working beside you is your equal without regard to color, or any of the other qualities that make us diverse. And any injustice to one person is an injustice to everyone.

This is how we at MSG fight racism. We start with ourselves, and through our actions, we define who we are. That is how we can be an example to the wider world. That was the point of my message yesterday.

I am proud of the environment you have created here. I know that this is a difficult time, and that we will always need to communicate with one another on the hard issues. I will continue to do as much as I can to help make our community even better. I know you will also.

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